Thursday, August 2, 2012


I am a pile of words, formless and free flowing in a cloud of chaos. I have no action, know no movement and need no ambition. But what is my point?......
Hello. I have no idea what I'm doing here or how to actually be a blogger but I am doing this because I haven't done anything new in a very long time. So here goes.

false start # 1 I can't say to my generation's letter or even what it's style was.

False start #2 I don't know how to introduce myself. I'm unsure of a lot about myself so it makes it hard for me to tell people about me. It always makes me think of alcoholics anonymous on television shows. P.O.V. audience viewing main character.
ME: name is a long story but my friends call me Vince, my family calls me Gordon and it always ends in Mattice. and I'm an alcoholic.
hmm......that wasn't the impression I wanted to give. I am not an alcoholic, in anyway shape or form. I can't even smell booze, pansy that I am. But hey, it's my blog, I'll do what I want...cut...start again.

false start #3 You know what gives me hope? Batman. Don't laugh. I do not mean in the sense of I am a comic fan and a batman nut, or a nerd who likes to know a lot and Batman has such a long and colorful history but in the sense that this is a character that has existed through three generations of my family. This is a character that has been close cancelation on more than one occasion and at the top of its industry at other times. And it's a character mired in science fiction instead of fantasy while retaining all of the unpredictability of the latter.

false start # 4 The Dark Knight Rises- Nolan has finished his trilogy, something that I have been worrying and fretting over almost as much as the fact that I have recently received the gift of my first child, Bruce Wayne Mattice. Rant at me later, this isn't about my geekdom, it's about how well Mister Nolan did when tackling something that teased us with knightfall imagery and promises of a sexy new Catwoman. I would like to capture the essence of this movie without spoiling it if possible but I promise not to put anything up without writing Spoilers alert and all that crap. I sat in the movie theater with bated breath, in my unfortunate front row center, making everything literally larger than life or out of my range of sight. So, no specifics, I have to say that it was a good movie. The music, the acting, the story, all very good and I say this trying my best to be an impartial party. Now I've said it and I can rant a little, I've earned it. First of all, if you are going to go watch this movie, you must immediately take yourself off the comic train of thought. This is not knightfall. this is not dc continuity. Once you do that, and you connect it to the last two movies as a cannon unto itself, you will be pleasantly surprised.  Tom Hardy is brilliant as Bane, his first scene screaming of the cunning warrior bane was in the comic while seperating itself without turning him into a giant green mutant, thank you Batman and Robin. He was never an unthinking monster, nor was he anything more than the sum of his parts. A strong mind brought up in a limited but brutal environment, addicted to not only a strength enhancing substance but the feeling that the steroid brings. I've gotten off topic. The movie not the comic. The character written for him gave Mr Hardy yet another excuse to gain muscle and definition, the presence of Bane on screen resounding.

This is what I am facing. I can't do it. I can't find my niche. my voice. until I do, no one will have an interest. I just need to figure it all out before I give this blog a try. I really need instruction on my ability to communicate my thoughts and put cohesion to this forum.but hey ill settle for any advice people can send. until next time.